- Brain Fog
- Irritability & Emotional
- Exhaustion & Inability to Concentrate
- Stress & Anxiety
- Muscle Aches & Joint Pain
- Lymphatic Drainage Blockage
- Swelling & Weight gain
- Hair loss
Organs Only Capable For 66% Of Detoxification
Each organ works to eliminate excess waste that's produced by natural metabolic processes, otherwise known as toxins. However, your body is not capable of 100% fully cleansing itself naturally. Toxins accumulated day by day along with chemical products and foods.
Detoxification Better Than a Diet

In order to detox, many people turn to organic foods, drink filtered water, and eliminate problem foods to help reduce their toxin exposure. The only problem with this approach is that there are still toxins stored in your body.
When it comes to toxins, fat is your protector. It gobbles up and stores toxins to protect your body. Unfortunately, this can cause weight gain. If people use losing weight as their detox strategy. The weight would rebound without true detoxification, toxic overload triggers the body's need to create fat.
In conclusion, Detox would be the final solution for health.
Discharge Toxins Through Sweating
Body sweats as a way to cool down, improve metabolism, and most important, discharge waste and toxins in your body. Sweating is an important function when it comes to your health because sweat contains:
- Pheromones are chemicals that act like hormones outside of your body
- Bacteria grow in the sweat that you release.
- Toxins, including heavy metals, chemicals, and metabolic wastes
Feet are the "Second Heart" of Our Bodies

The detox patches are mostly worn under our feet because according to beliefs in Oriental medicine, our feet are considered to be the "second heart" of our bodies where many of our body's acupoints.
They help to pump the circulation of blood and lymph back up to our body.
The 48 kinds of active ingredients in PureCleanse™ foot patches help eliminate the toxins through our feet.
Herbal Foot Patch is a Booster of Detoxification
Using PureCleanse™ Cleansing Detox Foot Pads may support the body's natural way of removing toxins through activated sweat glands. Biawily™ foot patch purifies the body by pulling out toxins through your feet. Mineral ingredients separate the water molecules into H+ and OH- ions, which work to attract toxins, which are negatively charged.
PureCleanse™ Cleansing Detox Foot Pads are infused with beneficial vitamins, herbs and mineral powders. As these toxins are pulled into the foot patch, you might notice the patch turning a brown or dark color. This means the detox process is working, further acting as proof that your body needed this service.
1) the main ingredient of our foot patch is acetic acid, which is beneficial to the absorption of plant ingredients and the unimpeded body.
2) During the night when using PureCleanse™ Cleansing Detox Foot Pads, the body is in a state of rapid metabolism, toxins drain through sweat towards the body part applied detoxing patch.
3) The feet are closely connected with organs, neck, shoulder, waist, and back. It is the most effective body part for detoxification. Simply clear toxins discharged on the foot patch in the next morning. Your body is one step closer to being fully cleansed.
You can enjoy the following benefits by using PureCleanse™ Cleansing Detox Foot Pads :
- Reduced swelling
- Balanced pH levels
- Boosted moods
- Stress relief
- Enhanced heart health
- Improved immunity
- Lowered risk of disease
- Joint pain relief